Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rosslyn Chapel

1446 - William St.Clair begins to build Rosslyn Chapel which is intended to be used to pray for the soul of the founder and spread intellectual and spiritual knowledge.

1650 - Oliver Cromwell's troops destroy Rosslyn Castle but spare The Chapel which is used as a stable for the troops horses. 

18th and 19th centuries - Rosslyn became a muse for writers, poets and artists alike. 

1842 - Queen Victoria visits the chapel and expressed the desire for The Chapel to be 'preserved for the country'.

2004 - The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is published which causes an unexpected increase of visitors to the chapel. in 2006 the movie is produced which further fueled the interest in Rosslyn's mysteries.

1 comment:

  1. Nora, did you take the aerial photo of Rosslyn Chapel yourself?
