Sunday, July 5, 2009


Here, in this timeless moment, we experience life.Where the essence of one may decease, while the other is born. We celebrate the lives we have lived, and the lives we will come to live; and this celebration is our life. We must choose to experience existence, otherwise the core of creation becomes meaningless. These tears do not leave us empty, they merely form a depth of realism we cannot visualize. This laughter echos trust, for it's purity endures darkness. And when we reach into our hearts, we find that love cannot be forgotten.

Hollywood Responsibilities

Although we live on one earth together, we all live in separate realities. A family who affords to take a vacation each year, owns two televisions, at least one computer, and two family vehicles that sit in the driveway of their beautiful suburban house, can hardly stand to imagine themselves in the position of a family that build their shelter out of mud and straw and can barley manage to feed themselves from day to day. They can hardly imagine it, so why would they have to? Of course we have infomercials, non-profit charity organizations and magazines readily available to inform ourselves of such families in need, and we are even handed every opportunity to make a difference, but the beauty of luxury, is all the splendid distractions it has to offer. Who would rather sponsor a child when they can buy the Movie Network instead? And why on earth would anyone give to a non-profit charity organization when they could give their child an opportunity to play on a sports team with that money? And the magazines, don’t even get me started on the magazines, there’s just too much going on in Hollywood to bother subscribing to anything that doesn’t give the latest low down on Brangelina!It is just too incredibly easy to forget about all the people in the world suffering from injustice, poverty, hunger, and disease. It’s almost as if we have to suffer with them when asked to stop and think about their lives, with the guilt pulsating through our vanes, and the greed in our fingertips and even the envy hanging off the tips of our tongues as our minds wonder to that brand new pair of shoes we long for, regardless of any slaves hands that may have perfected that swoosh that we so love to wear.

“People everywhere enjoy believing things they know are not true.It spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves And taking responsibility for what they know.”

Brooks Alkinson

Lust of the Libertine

Are we striving for things we already have? A misconception of desire perhaps. Not your new cellphone, but the ability to communicate. Not a new video game, but the depths of imagination. More money? Or abundance? We seem to sell ourselves to a materialism in a desperate attempt to seek things we are manipulated into believing we don't already have. Technology is an incredible resource, as is gasoline, but our greed seems to drive us as society into a cage that won't let us explore the world for what it really is and the beauty we possess. Possession, wow what an interesting definition:

  • the act of having and controlling property
  • anything owned or possessed
  • being controlled by passion or the supernatural
  • monomania: a mania restricted to one thing or idea
  • a territory that is controlled by a ruling state

Hm, so does it really make sense that we humans possess inanimate objects? Controlling, owning, restricting, ruling these things with no power of thought, action, or life for that matter. It seems to completely contradict itself actually. The power lies entirely in our hands. We restrict ourselves, by using fear and authority. And believe me those who have the power of authority, know exactly what they can do with that power. Manipulate hundreds, thousands, millions of people? It doesn't seem too unlikely knowing that we are bombarded with advertisements and numerous forms of media every single day of our life. The power has even left the hands of those in charge. Life has been given to these inanimate objects, in such ways that we fiend for them, we rely on them, and for most of us, we need them to survive. We can only make a difference if we help the majority of people to enlighten and free themselves of their cages. It's almost as if these cages aren't even locked at all, we choose to stay in them because of fear. Lets help eachother out of these cages.

“Where is wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”

T.S Elliott

Two Simplistic Choices

Is it fear that lets us fall? And courage that ascends us? As if divinity offers us two simplistic choices: hide or expose, mask or reveal, open or close ,exhibit or conceal.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

Nelson Mandela

Constant Change

Change, constant change. A deep abyss of our minds credibility, waves upon waves of dreams. Do our thoughts manifest into the reflection of our faces? And do the stories of our lives become the ink against the pages? The plans we make for the future, a life of never ending branches, do we really mean to strive to afford survival? My eyes define so much more then words, and my heart is bearing so much more then descriptions. What is life when a soul is empty? Eyes that are drained of all meaning. Does the bullet kill us? Or is it the one pulling the trigger that really dies? We see ourselves as fragile, but our essence will never decease. It's the choices that we make that lay the paths beneath our feet. Such great power in our hands. Shall we choose to lay down the spells that create the enchantment, is for each of us to seek.

Confession of a Consumerist

Maybe the whole world should play reality on repeat until we finally start to hear meaning under our screaming egos. Or maybe we should reach beneath our name brand clothes and feel the bruises labourers bare for their own survival. Or perhaps we should look at our hands to find precious diamond rings that have been replaced by missing fingers.

Conscious Coma

Everyone consists of a past, and they all hold mistakes big or little, that some may like to consider regrets. As much as beliefs and values change and surroundings evolve, this word does not seem correct. Everything brings something new, and carries life in a constant journey. The child within that is hiding, unknowingly blinding love. No pain ever imagined, no reason to ever seek. But as times change, sacrifices are unwillingly made, and translucent lessons taught through nature rather then knowledge, which create a part of this path that can seem so beautiful. Awaken and examine the false steps taken, to learn from them is to grow. When darkness is acknowledged, may a light then shine to cast only shadows that contrast illumination.

Disease of Darkness

A fight for desperate attention fades into blank expressions, seen on the faces of mannequins in store windows pleading carelessly to be consumed. Greed infects the hearts of those blind souls, only looking to snatch what ever they can get their hands on next. A closet full of toys which joy has seemed to be forgotten... somewhere a child yearns for a friend, comfort, bliss. But yet, the disease of darkness forbids it! Those who have lost the euphoria of life, for the price of the material, have also misplaced their morality you see.. To ignorant to realize that all those possessions caught in a cycle of replacement have freedom sewn, printed, sculptured, nailed, glued into them. Yes you, yes me, and certainly your bff Paris.