Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hollywood Responsibilities

Although we live on one earth together, we all live in separate realities. A family who affords to take a vacation each year, owns two televisions, at least one computer, and two family vehicles that sit in the driveway of their beautiful suburban house, can hardly stand to imagine themselves in the position of a family that build their shelter out of mud and straw and can barley manage to feed themselves from day to day. They can hardly imagine it, so why would they have to? Of course we have infomercials, non-profit charity organizations and magazines readily available to inform ourselves of such families in need, and we are even handed every opportunity to make a difference, but the beauty of luxury, is all the splendid distractions it has to offer. Who would rather sponsor a child when they can buy the Movie Network instead? And why on earth would anyone give to a non-profit charity organization when they could give their child an opportunity to play on a sports team with that money? And the magazines, don’t even get me started on the magazines, there’s just too much going on in Hollywood to bother subscribing to anything that doesn’t give the latest low down on Brangelina!It is just too incredibly easy to forget about all the people in the world suffering from injustice, poverty, hunger, and disease. It’s almost as if we have to suffer with them when asked to stop and think about their lives, with the guilt pulsating through our vanes, and the greed in our fingertips and even the envy hanging off the tips of our tongues as our minds wonder to that brand new pair of shoes we long for, regardless of any slaves hands that may have perfected that swoosh that we so love to wear.

“People everywhere enjoy believing things they know are not true.It spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves And taking responsibility for what they know.”

Brooks Alkinson

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