Friday, December 18, 2009

Farmers Feed Ego's

I recently was hired at a local gas station (not really my cup of tea when it comes to work), but one thing I have learned from this job is that farmers drive big loud trucks, love to brag (beep) about it, and are all apart of one giant cult of friends. They are the type who drive daddy’s Lincoln to school, actually the Lincoln daddy bought for their sixteenth birthdays, and with their glamorous Lincoln they choose to take up three parking spaces by parking diagonally. To me this just helps me put into perspective just how much their ego's must be compensating for.

But here's the twist: I have met one of these cult members, and he is genuinely a nice guy, but it's not as if all of these cult members are alike. He told me that he has friends that will not stand to associate with people unlike him. Talk about fitting the profile. But he also told me that several of his friends have their lives planned and ready to go. Along with daddy's Lincoln, they get daddy's farm, and the millions that reside within it. They get so much, that it's easy to offer a 16 year old friend a job and the house in the future. Holy shit I can't imagine living in such a way. Obviously no spontaneity and or any dreams of the future.

When did farming become so popular? This "farming cult" is never ending. I realize I live in a small town which industry consists of farming and tourism, but honestly, I have never been aware of just how many of these glamorous farming cult members there were. Significant enough for me to feel it is important to write this blog about it. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely interested in local agriculture, but this is clearly mass production, a multi-million industry which individuals and their giant ego's thrive from.

To conclude this pointless rant, I have just come to realize that the only reason my awareness of these cult farmers is because I'm working at a gas station that borders the part of town the turns into farming territory. Yes the multi-BILLION dollar gas industry, which blood-sucking politicians egos thrive from.

The End

1 comment:

  1. I don't see this as a pointless rant. This is imprtant topic for sustained living. These cults as you call them have orginated from the model of centerlized production. Its a power structure to keep all the wealth centerilized. The key to holding power. This is happening in all areas on production therefore proof we as a collective need to work on restructuring and decentrilizing the production. Equalizie the "playing feild" making it possible agian for less wealthy to produce for their family and country.
